the real estate book

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Or at least i want to be. I have been getting up early for the past few mornings and the children and i have been jogging our hearts out...OK, so less than a mile with an occasional walking break here and there, but nonetheless it's a start! Anyway, this walk/run thing has given me a new motivation and man those endorphins are pretty darn awesome! I have remained happy, cool, calm, and collected during some pretty intense times, like when i realized that my two year old was wearing my nail polish on her LIPS! So, maybe that was more of the fact that it was non-toxic and after a few minutes on the phone with poison control, but i didn't have a heart attack and I'll contribute that to my new hobby...running! Today once the Hubs got in from work i actually ran alone and NONSTOP! He was pretty impressed and i felt so good that the numbness in my legs almost went unnoticed. Had it not been for the fact that i had to use them to walk here and there, i am pretty sure i would not have noticed at all. Overall, its been a pretty good experience so far and I'm actually thinking of trying a hand at running a marathon...that's in the far future for right now! I have other things on my plate for right now so, I'll just run for the release of that great natural high!

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